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What I'm Working On

For starters... my own parts.
I believe that in order to be helpful to others, I need to have as much access to my true Self as possible. That means being in constant relationship with the parts of me that get activated, triggered, exhausted or stressed out. 

How do I do this?
Therapy, acupuncture, walking my dog, exercising, closing my eyes and going inside myself whenever I find the opportunity. Listening to the stories and beliefs of my parts helps them feel heard, validated and understood. BEING WITH and BEFRIENDING the parts inside is where the true healing is.


Butterfly on Ink

Navigate to my Offerings page to find out more about my current projects.



​And, drumroll please.....Coming in 2026, to be published by Hachette: When Good Moms Feel Bad: Using Internal Family Systems to Remedy Distress in Motherhood

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